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Base de données des publications

La base de données des publications contient des ressources éducatives, des fiches d'information, des guides et d'autres informations concernant les enfants et les familles autochtones.


La Société de soutien suit les principes de PCAP et fournit un accès libre à tous les documents inclus ici.


Veuillez utiliser la barre de recherche pour trouver des publications à partir de mots-clés ou parcourir les publications par type, groupe d'âge, thème ou année de publication.

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Updated Reformed Approach to First Nations Child and Family Services (June 2024)
Federal Court Decision approving the Claims Process with reasons
Federal Court Approves Claims Process for Removed Child and Family Class
Canada Letter re the FNLC Motion for Interested Party Status
CHRC Letter re the FNLC Motion for Interested Party Status
Guiding AFN Resolution no.28/2022
Guiding AFN Resolution no.40/2022
EAC for the Reform of Indigenous Services Canada Summary Report of Activities, Observations and Advice
Doing Better for Indigenous Children and Families; Jordan’s Principle Accountability Report
First Nations child and family services (FNCFS) - Phase 3 (Interim update)
IFSD Jordan’s Principle research summary
Canada’s Information Package: What the Caring Society Learned After Cross-Examining Senior ISC Officials on the Jordan’s Principle Non-Compliance Motion
Spirit Bear's Recipe Cards