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Base de données des publications

La base de données des publications contient des ressources éducatives, des fiches d'information, des guides et d'autres informations concernant les enfants et les familles autochtones.


La Société de soutien suit les principes de PCAP et fournit un accès libre à tous les documents inclus ici.


Veuillez utiliser la barre de recherche pour trouver des publications à partir de mots-clés ou parcourir les publications par type, groupe d'âge, thème ou année de publication.

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Poverty and Child Placement
Forgiveness, Social Justice and Reconciliation
Te Whariki: Early childhood curriculum
The Prevention Report
Professional Training Series: Human Rights and Social Work – A Manual for Schools of Social Work and the Social Work Profession
United Nations Professional Training Series: Human Rights and Social Work
Factum of Intervener: Peguis Child and Family Services
Native Child Care: "The Circle of Care."
The Education of Indians in Ontario: A Report to the Provincial Committee on Aims and Objectives of Education in the Schools of Ontario
The Story of a National Crime: An Appeal for Justice to the Indians of Canada
Guide to Intervening on Motions Before the CHRT
Caring Society's Proposed Amendments to the Draft FSA
Canada August 29, 2024 Reply Factum
Caring Society August 8, 2024 Reply Factum
AFN July 30, 2024 written submission
CHRC July 30, 2024 written submission
COO July 30, 2024 written submission
NAN July 30, 2024 written submission
FNCFCSC et al v AGC July 30, 2024 written submissions
AFN May 21, 2024 Factum Information Sheet