Calendrier et documents

Surveillez également le calendrier et les documents de la section Je suis un témoin pour consulter d’autres rapports déposés auprès du Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne qui portent sur le Principe de Jordan

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May 2008
January 24, 2008

Premier Gordon Campbell of the Province of British Columbia endorses Jordan’s Principle across all government services.



December 12, 2007

MP Jean Crowder (NDP) tables Motion No. 296 in support of Jordan's Principle. It passes unanimously in the House of Commons.

Jordan's father Ernest Anderson and sister Jerlene Anderson were present for the vote, as was Dr. Cindy Blackstock (First Nations Child and Family Caring Society), the Chief of Norway House Cree Nation, the Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and members of the community.

Click here for the record of the vote (Handsard)

December 5, 2007
2007 (approximate)


December 7, 2006

On December 7, 2006 at the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly, the Chiefs-in-Assembly approved the submission of a joint complaint by the AFN and the Caring Society to the Canadian Human Rights Commission regarding the inequitable levels of child welfare funding to First Nations children and families on reserves.