Calendrier et documents

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March 27, 2024

The Caring Society submits to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal the reply affidavits of Cindy Blackstock and Dr. Ryan Giroux following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

Indigenous Services Canada's report showing the reported Jordan's Principle backlogs across regions as of March 27, 2024.

The Caring Society submits Intervener Factum to the Supreme Court of Canada in Attorney General of Québec v. Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan.

March 26, 2024

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) submits to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal the amended affidavit of Craig Gideon following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

March 15, 2024

Canada submits the affidavits of Valerie Gideon and Candice St-Aubin, along with a Notice of Cross Motion, to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

February 6, 2024

The Tribunal issued the motion schedule for the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle, filed by the Caring Society in December 2023.

January 17, 2024

On January 17, 2024, Canada and the AFN both formally withdrew their applications for judicial review at the Federal Court, which were filed in response to the Tribunal's letter-decision and subsequent order, 2022 CHRT 41, which found that the class-action Final Settlement Agreement on compensation did not fully satisfy its orders on compensation. 

Canada also formally withdrew its appeal at the Federal Court of Appeal. 

January 12, 2024

The Caring Society's January 12, 2024 affidavits as part of the December 12, 2023 non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle. Affidavits of C. Blackstock and B. Mathews are included. 


December 21, 2023

Federal Court order approving class action counsel legal fees in the amount of $40 million, plus disbursements and taxes for all work completed before October 31, 2023, and counsel fees for work completed from November 1, 2023 until completion of the last distribution protocol should be paid based on actual work performed (with no enhancement) using commercial hourly rates up to a maximum of $5 million. 

December 17, 2023

Canada's letter to the Tribunal in response to the Caring Society's notice of motion on Jordan's Principle. 

December 12, 2023

The Caring Society makes a motion for relief to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal regarding Canada’s wilful and chronic failure to adhere to the Tribunal's orders on Jordan's Principle. The motion includes immediate measures for resolving areas of Canada's non-compliance with Jordan's Principle, called the Jordan's Principle Work Plan. 

November 20, 2023

Federal Court order approving the revised Final Settlement Agreement on compensation.