I am a Witness: Tribunal Timeline & Documents

The timeline below chronicles the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal case on inequitable funding for First Nations child welfare, which the Tribunal ruled amounts to discrimination.  

View the pre-Tribunal timeline for a history of First Nations child and family services funding leading up the case. 

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April 2, 2024

Cross-examination of Valerie Gideon, ISC, on the Caring Society's Jordan's Principle non-compliance motion.

March 27, 2024

The Caring Society submits to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal the reply affidavits of Cindy Blackstock and Dr. Ryan Giroux following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

Indigenous Services Canada's report showing the reported Jordan's Principle backlogs across regions as of March 27, 2024.

The Caring Society submits Intervener Factum to the Supreme Court of Canada in Attorney General of Québec v. Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan.

March 26, 2024

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) submits to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal the amended affidavit of Craig Gideon following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

March 15, 2024

Canada submits the affidavits of Valerie Gideon and Candice St-Aubin, along with a Notice of Cross Motion, to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal following the Caring Society's non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle

March 13, 2024

The Caring Society's positions on the long-term reform of the First Nations Child & Family Services Program to stop the discrimination against First Nations children, youth and families and prevent it from happening again.

February 12, 2024

The Caring Society seeks intervener status in Attorney General of Quebec v. Pekuakamiulnuatsh Takuhikan.

February 9, 2024

On February 9, 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously affirmed that Bill C-92 is constitutionally valid in its entirety. 

February 6, 2024

The Tribunal issued the motion schedule for the non-compliance motion on Jordan's Principle, filed by the Caring Society in December 2023.

February 2, 2024

Official notice of the pending decision from the Supreme Court in Attorney General of Québec, et al. v. Attorney General of Canada, et al. to determine whether Bill C-92, An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, is constitutional. The Quebec Court of Appeal answered that the Act, which came into force on January 1, 2020, is constitutional, except for ss. 21 and 22(3), which are not. The Supreme Court will deliver its judgment on the appeal on Friday, February 9, 2024. 

January 17, 2024

On January 17, 2024, Canada and the AFN both formally withdrew their applications for judicial review at the Federal Court, which were filed in response to the Tribunal's letter-decision and subsequent order, 2022 CHRT 41, which found that the class-action Final Settlement Agreement on compensation did not fully satisfy its orders on compensation. 

Canada also formally withdrew its appeal at the Federal Court of Appeal.